Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 4 News

The Final Countdown!

12/07/2024 · No comments yet

We have had an absolutely jam-packed week in Year 4! From trips to science competitions, we have done it all! Science Superstars After some absolutely fantastic auditions from both classes for this years ‘Science Superstars’ competition, we chose a representative from each class to go through to the finals. Both Freddie and Sophie did Read More


Year 4 Go Bananas!

21/06/2024 · No comments yet

We have had a very busy week in Year 4. In addition to their usual lessons, the children have also completed their summer assessments in both maths and reading (which they all worked so hard on). 4Ke also had a fantastic time in Burnsall, though we will keep all of the photos and more Read More


Year 4 Blog 14.6.24

14/06/2024 · No comments yet

We have had another super week in Year 4, learning everything from telling the time to investigating gases! MathsIn Maths this week, we have been learning about time. We began by thinking about years, months, weeks and days before moving on to hours, minutes and seconds. Children were able to convert between hours, minutes Read More


Tea Tasting!

07/06/2024 · No comments yet

English In our English lessons this week, we have been exploring our new class text ‘Cloud Tea Monkeys’. Since this book is about people who pick tea leaves for a living, we thought that we would spend some time tasting different types of teas and then describing them. During our tasting session, the children Read More


Year 4 Blog 24.5.24

24/05/2024 · No comments yet

We have had yet another fantastic half term in Year 4, despite the very miserable weather! MathsWe have come to the end of our second decimals unit in Maths this week, finishing with understanding half, a quarter and three quarters as decimals. Children were able to use their knowledge of converting fractions with tenths Read More