Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 5 News

Cartwright Hall

31/01/2025 · No comments yet

This week, both classes made the short trip into Bradford to visit the Cartwright Hall Art Gallery. Whilst there, the groups compared artifacts from the Early Islamic Empire and Britain around 1000 years ago. We also looked at a selection of paintings inspired by Islam then tried to replicate some of the decorative aspects Read More

Outside at last

17/01/2025 · No comments yet

Science After a very snowy week last week, we have finally been able to get out into the grounds at playtimes. We also took the opportunity to look around the school and investigate the condition of the building as part of our materials topic. Whilst some aspects were found to be in need of Read More

Happy New Year!

10/01/2025 · 1 comment

Good afternoon parents and carers and welcome back after the break! Although there has been a tricky start to the term weather wise, the children have coped fantastically with changes to routine and have really impressed us with their excellent learning attitude and effort so far. This week in Science we started work on Read More

Merry Christmas

20/12/2024 · 3 comments

The final week of term is always packed, but this week has also been an outstanding and memorable one in Year 5. The highlight of the week for everyone were the two performance of Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits. As you can imagine, the childen were on quite a high after Wednesday’s show, Read More

Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits

19/12/2024 · 1 comment

We hope that everyone enjoyed the KS2 show: Ali Baba and the Bongo. It was an ambitious show, with stage roles for almost all Y5 children, and support roles for others. Children in other year groups became the chorus, supported by a Y6 band. This was a very talented and enthusiastic year group. It Read More

A Walk into the Past

06/12/2024 · No comments yet

Good evening. The end of the half term is fast approaching and this week has been as busy as ever. Rehearsals have been taking place again and we have been very impressed with the way everyone has learned their lines. We have been encouraging the actors to enjoy the spotlight and ensure their delivery Read More

Awesome Actors

29/11/2024 · No comments yet

Good afternoon parents and carers, Year 5 have been busy rehearsing this week and we are so impressed by the acting, singing and dancing talent this year. I bet you are looking forward to seeing the show. We have asked the children to try and go without their scripts next week so please could Read More

A cold week

22/11/2024 · No comments yet

The week started cold and got colder. Luckily, we are a hardy bunch and so relished the snow and ice. Science On Thursday, 5B took advantage of the clear sky to investigate how shadows change as the sun moves across the sky. To do this, we traced the shadows then measured the angles using Read More

This weeks Year 5 Blog

15/11/2024 · No comments yet

In Science, both Year 5 classes investigated the phases of the moon. The class sat around a football painted half black, half white to represent the lit and unlit side of the moon. They then drew what they could see and identified if they were looking at a full, new, crescent or gibbous moon. Read More

Hitting the ground running

08/11/2024 · 1 comment

We are definitely straight back into the new half term this week. All week, groups of children have been out on their bikes around the school ground and on the local streets, becoming more confident and competent at riding. This will continue next week. It is great to see their smiles when they come Read More