Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 5 News

Hitting the ground running

08/11/2024 · 1 comment

We are definitely straight back into the new half term this week. All week, groups of children have been out on their bikes around the school ground and on the local streets, becoming more confident and competent at riding. This will continue next week. It is great to see their smiles when they come Read More


Greek Week

04/10/2024 · No comments yet

What a week! The week started with terrible weather, meaning that the normal PE lessons outside had to be brought indoors. The cross country group did their activities in class and loved the Train Like a Jedi video. Try it for yourself by clicking here. Greek Day On Tuesday, we had our Greek day. Read More


An Epic Week

20/09/2024 · No comments yet

Another week and we are well into the first half term. The lovely weather has allowed the children to enjoy their play and lunchtimes and has meant that our first hour of PE can take place outside. During the second hour, one group travels the short distance to The Depot where they practice their Read More


Greeks and Space in Year 5

13/09/2024 · No comments yet

Hi all, We have had a hard working but fun week in Year 5. On Monday some children enjoyed going boldering in PE, while others participated in Netball or Crosscountry run by a coach from Leeds Rhinos and another group benifited from professional dance teaching by Lilly from Northern Arts. In English we have Read More


Week One – Welcome to Year 5

06/09/2024 · No comments yet

Good evening. Welcome to the parents new to Year 5 and welcome back to those who have had children in the year group previously. Firstly, we must say that we have been genuinely impressed by the way the children have settled into their new classes. New teachers, new routines and expectations are never easy, Read More