Farsley Farfield Primary School

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Final Saturday cross country event of the year

26/01/2025 · No comments yet

Farfield had full teams for all the races on the final Saturday cross country event of the season at Middleton Park on a cold January morning. Chair of Governors Ruth Fain has, along with Mrs Tomlinson, led the organisation and team management and was delighted with the efforts at the last event of the Read More

Key Stage 1 ‘Simply Nativity’

20/12/2024 · 1 comment

Our Year 1 children took on acting roles, and our Y2 children were engaging narrators, for our infant nativity: Simply Nativity. As one child playing a talking tree said: “Last year, I was just a twig.” This year, expectations were high and so many 5 and 6 year olds had speaking and acting parts, Read More

Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits

19/12/2024 · 1 comment

We hope that everyone enjoyed the KS2 show: Ali Baba and the Bongo. It was an ambitious show, with stage roles for almost all Y5 children, and support roles for others. Children in other year groups became the chorus, supported by a Y6 band. This was a very talented and enthusiastic year group. It Read More

Farsley Lights and Willow Parade

29/11/2024 · No comments yet

Farsley Lantern Parade on Wednesday evening was a brilliant spectacle and community event, even making it onto Look North. Some of our children had made their own willow creations at an after-school club, and more families had created head-dresses and other willow creations at workshops over the summer. It felt like there were thousands Read More

First Saturday cross country of the season

20/10/2024 · No comments yet

Farfield had a big team of over 20 runners for the first Saturday cross country of the season. It was a great course at Woodhouse Grove: 1.6km for Y3/4 and 1.9km for Y5/6. This was the first race with the new automated timers built into the number tags and it seemed to work very Read More