Farsley Farfield Primary School

School Meals

We serve very good school meals, cooked from scratch on site, and we recommend that every child has them. Children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 are entitled to a free meal!  From September 2024, school meals cost £2.55 per day for children in Nursery and Y3-6.  We have higher than average uptake of school meals.  Click here for information on free school meals for pupils in Y3-6.

Parents can pay for school meals using our online payment system – ParentPay.  (Please contact the school office to get details of your username and password).

Meals are organised as ‘family service’: groups of 8 to 10 children around a table served a set meal. There are also vegetarian and halal options.  Most children have school meals: we usually serve well over 300 every day!

Please find below our school meal menus.  The menus are on a 3-week rolling rota that change termly. Although not listed explicitly, meals are typically served with two vegetables such as peas, carrots, sweetcorn, cabbage or broccoli.  Rather than dessert, children are always able to choose fruit or yoghurt after their main meal. Wednesdays is always a traditional roast dinner and one day a week is wholly vegetarian (in line with recommendations to reduce meat consumption). Our Food Policy is here.

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