Farsley Farfield Primary School

Nursery News

This week in Nursery

14/06/2024 · No comments yet

Yet another busy week! Maths In our Maths sessions this week we have been using 5 frames. The children place a number of objects in the squares and move them into different positions. This enables them to understand that the value of a number stays the same even if the objects are in a Read More


This week in Nursery

07/06/2024 · No comments yet

Welcome back to the busy final half term of the academic year. We have been doing lots of assessment this week and are thrilled with the amount of progress your children have made since September. Subitizing In our Maths sessions this week we have been practising our subitizing skills. The children have to recognise Read More


This week in Nursery

24/05/2024 · No comments yet

Number 5 The children have a very good understanding of the number 5 and have experienced it in lots of different situations. We sing songs and rhymes, we count objects, we subitize the number (recognise without counting) and this week we have been representing the number on paper. The children drew lines, raindrops and Read More


This week in Nursery

17/05/2024 · No comments yet

Another busy week! Number 5 This week the children have been collecting 5 objects and making 5 balls of dough during our Dough Disco sessions. Lots of the children were able to collect the objects and many of them could them recognise the amount without counting them when they had the objects in front Read More


This week in Nursery

10/05/2024 · No comments yet

Number 5 This week we introduced the number 5 by reading the Number Puppy story. We have been learning a new song to accompany the number. The children really enjoy joining in with this song… A love of reading The Nursery children enjoy listening to stories and also ‘reading’ books to themselves. Rhyming This Read More