Year 1 – 23.01.25
In phonics we revised the Phase 5 digraphs wh, ph, ew, and oe, as well as the tricky words ‘were’ and ‘there.’ We discussed the difference between ‘were’ and ‘where’ because the children found it quite tricky to distinguish between the two.
We have been very busy in our English lessons. At the start of the week, we learnt about where the T. rex used to live and we finished our booklets about the T. rex. The children did amazingly well and the booklets are fantastic.

After finishing our factual writing, we got very creative on Wednesday and Thursday and the children wrote concrete poems about a T. rex.

In handwriting, we practised the curly caterpillar letters e, s, q and o.

In maths we continued to work on numbers within 20. We started the week by using the language of ‘greater than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’ to compare numbers. We also used the symbols >, <, =. We then moved on to ordering numbers within 20 from smallest to greatest and greatest to smallest.

We had lots of fun in our computing lessons. We continued our work on algorithms and the children followed two sets of algorithms to draw a crazy creature. They found that the first set of instructions were not specific enough and all their creatures looked different.

The second algorithm gave more detailed instructions, which meant that the children’s creatures looked very similar.

We continued our dinosaur topic in our art lessons and created some beautiful dinosaur silhouettes. First, we used water colours to create a sunset background. Then, we chose which dinosaurs we wanted to add to our pictures, cut them out carefully and glued them on to the background. The finished results are very impressive!

In science we continued with our unit on materials. We started the lesson with a ‘material hunt’. Children used labels to go around the classroom and find objects made out of that material. We discussed why objects were made out of specific materials and not others. We then sorted some pictures of different materials and identified what type of things that material is used for.

Leeds Art Gallery
To support our Art Gallery topic, Year 1 are planning a short visit to Leeds Art Gallery.
1T will attend the gallery on Thursday 6th February.
1B will attend the gallery on Friday 7th February.
A letter was sent home earlier this week with more information. Please return the permission slip and make the payment of 85p on ParentPay by Friday 31st January. Thank you.
Purple homework books have been sent home today with a maths task in. This is due in on Tuesday 4th February please. Red spelling books are due in on Tuesday 28th January.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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