Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 2 News

Year 2 News 21.06.24

21/06/2024 · No comments yet

English and Art We began our week with a bog baby hunt in our conservation area! We took some magic magnifying glasses to help our search. We were so lucky to ‘see’ some! We then made our bog babies from clay! For the rest of the week we have written some non-chronological reports about Read More


Year 2 News 14.6.24

14/06/2024 · No comments yet

This week, we welcomed author, Suzy Senior, into school for a workshop with KS1. Suzy shared her new novel, Banana Hunt with us and told us all about the writing process. We had the opportunity to ask her lots of questions and find out all about the different people involved in creating books. She Read More


Year 2 News 7.6.24

07/06/2024 · No comments yet

English Our focus text for this week has been The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis, a magical story about two sisters finding an unusual creature in a pond. We began the week by reading and discussing the story then wrote our own questions to ask the characters during a hot seating activity. We then Read More


Year 2 News 24th May 2024

24/05/2024 · No comments yet

English Inspired by our work on the lunar landings, we have been thinking about what it would be like to be the first child to step foot on the moon. We all got together in the hall for an exciting drama lesson where we acted out our journey to the moon and the different Read More


Year 2 News 17.5.24

17/05/2024 · No comments yet

English This week in English we have been exploring the text The Sea of Tranquillity by Mark Haddon, a tale inspired by the first moon landing in 1969. We made inferences about what it would be like to land on the moon using a picture stimulus. We used the language from the text to Read More