Year 6 – 06.12.24
General Reminders
We would like to take the opportunity to remind you that children should be coming to school with a charged chrome book – we are noticing that many children are not ready to learn as their devices are not charged and time is being lost trying to find chargers in the classroom. We would also like to gently remind families that children should have an indoor pair of shoes in school every day. Now that the weather is wetter, we have many pairs of muddy shoes coming into school after break and lunchtimes, and children need a pair of trainers, plimsolls, or clean shoes to keep inside the building. Ideally these should be closed toe shoes for health and safety reasons.
Next week we will begin to complete some assessments with the children. We will use them to inform some next steps planning and any intervention work within our classrooms.
Maths – we have noticed that the following skills might need a bit of revision over the next week or so before the assessment for maths. Alongside each skill, we have attached a video for the children to watch and for parents and carers – if you would like to help them at home.
Dividing fractions:
Multiplying fractions:
Finding fractions of amounts:
Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
The children have done an excellent job this week writing as soldiers from WW1. We watched an incredible video about the Christmas Truce; then spent some time reading letters from soldiers who were there at the time. We ‘stole’ language from the early 1900s to make our writing authentic and have begun to write our own letters home. We shall finish these next week and share them with you on next week’s blog.
Trip to the Gurdwara
As a reminder, we shall be going to the Gurdwara on Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th December. Please make sure your child comes to school with a scarf / head covering on the day.
Spelling shed x 10 games
English – Revision book page 37(stretch) 38(general) – Formal and informal writing.
Maths – Revision book pages 5, 20 and 21 – Roman numerals and order of operations.
Have a lovely weekend.
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