Year 2 News 17.01.25
Continuing our work based on George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl, we have been focussing on instructional writing this week. We began by looking at the features of instructions and picked this out in an example text. Things then got a little bit messy as we created our own wonderful concoction of ingredients to make our own marvellous medicine! We used right choice adjectives to build up expanded noun phrases for each of the items we put into the saucepan. Finally, we wrote a set of instructions explaining how to make a marvellous medicine.

Thank you to all of those children who had a go at last week’s spelling homework task.
This week we have been looking at words ending le e.g. apple, bottle, table, little. Please have a go at the look, cover, write, check activity and hand it in on Monday.
We have completed our topic on shape this week by sorting 3D shapes into different groups based on their properties. We began by doing this practically in groups then moved on to answering some fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions. We then explored making patterns with both 2D and 3D shapes.

Next week we will begin our new topic on money. It would be great if you could look at some coins and notes at home.
In our history lesson this week, we found out about Florence Nightingale’s childhood and what inspired her to become a nurse. We then looked at the journey she made to the hospital in Scutari and plotted this on a map. We then discussed how she would have felt at different points in her journey and when she arrived in the dark, dirty hospital.
Continuing our work exploring the ‘2 paint a picture’ tool on Purple Mash, we focussed on pointillism this week. We looked at the work of some famous pointillist artists and discussed their style. We then created our own pointillism pictures of fruits, animals, flowers and people.
This week we talked about where we can get medicine from and who can give it to us. We also looked at which sort of medicine is used for which illness and even talked about how other things can help us when we’re feeling poorly such as a drink, sleep or a cuddle!
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- Eiras mum on Year 2 News 17.01.25
Eira is loving the George’s marvellous medicine topic. The pictures are great!