Year 1 – 10.05.24
This week the children have revisited ‘g’ says ‘j’, ‘c’ says ‘s’ and silent letters. We have also been revising all the phase 2, 3 and 4 tricky words.
In English, we have continued writing our own version of ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The children have impressed us with their imagination and choice of vocabulary. Their writing stamina is improving and the children have really enjoyed writing and sharing their stories.
This week we have looked at grouping and sharing. The children have been able to group objects and also share objects into equal groups.
In geography we have been recapping continents, oceans and the United Kingdom. We then discussed what a capital city was and named the four capital cities in the United Kingdom.
The gingerbread man has continued to send us postcards from his travels. This week he has visited Paris, Amsterdam and Madrid. We have spent time locating these cities on a map and used Google Earth to explore what the cities look like.
We have continued with our topic on plants. This week we investigated the enquiry question ‘What is happening underground beneath our plants?’. We looked at a selection of plants and discovered that all of the roots looked different. Some plants have one big root and some plants have lots of smaller roots.
In our PSHE lesson we have discussed different feelings. The children were able to name lots of different emotions including happy, sad, angry and worried. We discussed how these emotions make us feel and what happens to our facial expressions and body when we feel that way.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 1 Team
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