Welcome to Year 4!
We’ve had a fantastic first week of Year 4! The children have really impressed us with the way they have settled back to school routines and with their eagerness to learn.
Each class has created their own unique self-portraits this week. 4L used natural materials to create portraits by printing, while 4SN made ‘inside and out’ portraits, showing what they looked like on the outside and giving clues about their interests and talents on the inside.

We have started our first maths unit all about place value. The children have shown a good understanding of hundreds, tens and ones, partitioning numbers and representing numbers using number lines. We have also started to practise our times tables, as it is expected that most children should know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.

In English this half term we will be learning about explanation texts. We have started to look at the features of explanation texts, making comparisons with other types of non-fiction genres.

We will be linking our writing to our new class text, The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman.
We have looked at the front cover of the book and made some predictions about what the story might be about.

In P.E, 4SN worked on their dribbling skills in football and then progressed to keeping possession against a defender, while 4L developed their dance skills. Swimming will begin next Wednesday (11th September). All children will need to bring their swimwear and a towel.

Homework will be sent home starting next week. Today children should have brought home a Year 4 newsletter. You can also find a copy here. In addition to the information on the newsletter, please could you check that your child has a pair of indoor shoes at school.
Summer Reading Challenge
If anyone has signed up to the Leeds Library Summer Reading Challenge but not yet got their medal, the challenge closes on the 14th of September, so there is still time to complete the challenge. We would love to see your medals or certificates in Special Mention Assembly next week!
Special Mentions
Special mentions this week went to Faye, Ayra, Avraj and Zack. Well done!
If you have any questions about anything, please do get in touch.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Sykes and Miss Levett
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Really nice pictures of all the children excellent work produced by all. Hope the kids enjoyed their 1st week back.