Farsley Farfield Primary School

Story Massage

Looking after our children’s well-being is so important in developing happy and content children.  We would like to share some strategies you can use at home to help your children feel calmer whilst refreshing their body and mind.  The strokes and Story Messages have come from or been inspired by Once Upon a Touch written by Mary Atkinson and Sandra Hooper.

Story Massage benefits:

  •  Story Massage eases tension and gives the opportunity for dedicated ‘calming time.’
  • The promotion of ‘feel good’ hormones which boost general well-being.
  • Reduction of aggressive and hyperactive behaviour.
  • Increased self-confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem.
  • Individual attention giving a child a sense of self-worth.

For beginners, please watch the 10 strokes and have a go.  Once you have mastered these you will be ready to use the stories. 

Have a go and we hope you all enjoy the benefits of using these relaxing techniques at home. 


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