Happy New Year!
Good afternoon parents and carers and welcome back after the break!
Although there has been a tricky start to the term weather wise, the children have coped fantastically with changes to routine and have really impressed us with their excellent learning attitude and effort so far.
This week in Science we started work on materials. We recapped the properties of materials and the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
Children enjoyed sorting a variety of materials by their properties. We linked different objects by their properties and the material they were made from in the form of dominoes. We then sorted solids, liquids and gases and created a Venn diagram of the items.

In English this term we have been enjoying reading a variety of narrative poems, including Roald Dahles Revolting Rhymes, which the children found very funny, partularly the funny twists at the end. Next week we will begin writing our own narrative poems based on traditional stories.
We have also learnt and performed a poem called ‘I’m Walking With My Iguana by Brian Moses. Next week we will perform it to the other Year 5 class.
We hope you enjoy the frosty weekend,
Many thanks ,
The Year 5 team.
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Well done to 5KH, excellent performance!