Farsley Farfield Primary School


We have come to the culmination of the year and the moment we have all been waiting for… that’s right: The Eurovision Song Contest! Mrs Dobkin is particularly excited – as is 6D because they know she will finally stop talking about it so much next week.

Year 6 have had another hard working week working through the final bits of revision before starting their SATs tests next week. We are incredibly proud of the hard work everyone has put in and cannot wait to see them put all of their skills into action next week!

Breakfast club starts at 8:15 Monday morning and runs until Thursday. Please enter through the main entrance or the hall doors. Bring your revision guides and a huge smile!

On Friday 17th May we would like children to bring in a board game as we will be having a small celebration session on the Friday morning to celebrate the end of SATs.

A letter to the children


This week the children have been exploring electricity and spent time building circuits in groups. The knowledge was very good and the children built lots of different series circuits.


We hope you have a lovely weekend and will see you bright and early on Monday morning.


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